Friday, 27 September 2013

Research for Music Videos: Branding

Most artists have a tendency to keep their products connected to each other so they can be recognised by their fan-base and possibly new attracted audience. This involves a Cross Promotional Package and would usually have something in common between all packages, such as magazines, teaser trailers, actualy music video and most importantly their actual release album.
Daft Punk is one strong example of this their album cover, one version of the music video has several things in common which helps their audience recognise them, and also have something to expect from the music video of the single.

In this case the colours and props are standing out the most through out the video that we see on the Album Cover.

one of many album covers for the band
The Saturdays featured prop would be the roller blades and the bright colours used on the front of the album cover, are also included in the middle of the music video. 

in the gif above there are clear references to the album cover in terms of colours, and also the fact that the roller blades are also used in the video and are even align and in order with the cover.

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